Where to begin. Does the fact that I attended a private elementary school mean anything? How about that my talent in high-school math actually steered me away from studying mathematics because it was boring? Maybe how my love of psychology began in Mrs. Grant's grade twelve psychology class?
I don't know, let's just skip ahead to what's important. I took nearly the equivalent of a psychology minor in my first two years of university before beginning the business program at Uvic (so close). Since then, I have been fascinated by all things entrepreneurship. Piecing together new ideas in creative ways is second nature to me. On this page, you will see my formal institutions of study and some of my favourite courses from each.
My Education
In a nutshell

University of Victoria (2016-2021)
I will be graduating from the University of Victoria in August of 2021 with my Bachelor of Commerce. During my time at Uvic, I was a Vikes ambassador in my first year, spent all 5 years as a member of the Ultimate Frisbee team (which made it to college nationals twice in a row, for the first time ever. Humble brag), and I received the Kyle McMillan Award for displaying outstanding leadership, athletic, and academic qualities. I was also a part of one team which won the MIIIsion impossible challenge for generating an entrepreneurial venture concept and was a semi-finalist in the Future Innovators Challenge with another team the same year.
Udemy (2020-2021)
I spent my year off from school (during quarantine) working on improving my technical skills outside of my daily job. My first course that I studied was Blockchain A-Z which taught me the concepts behind blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts, as well as how to create each of them. I am currently enrolled in a second course called Python - The Practical Guide in which I am learning the coding language of Python.

BI Norwegian Business School (2019)
In my fourth year of University, I had the amazing opportunity to go on exchange to Norway where I studied 4 intensive courses equal to 6 courses at Uvic. Marketing Management and Financial History: Crashes, Crises and Bubbles were very interesting courses, but my favourites were Persuasion and Dialogue for Leaders, and Social Entrepreneurship. Both of these courses sparked my interest in one day owning my own social enterprise.
Go2HR (2018)
While working at Prince of Whales in 2018, I received training on effective guest services practices that awarded me the SuperHost Certificate. I have used these skills across many of my jobs over the years to ensure personable customer experiences.